General Stuff
Generic ideas that don't fit into the other niche categories I use. Most of my articles fit that description:
- The Hard Rock Hotel from a 5-year olds point of view
- A multimillion dollar documentation mistake
- Walking in others shoes, at least in spirit
- Worst public speaking moments
- Is your new job lousy?
- Pressure Makes Diamonds
- Just when you think you're getting good . . .
- Testing Seinfeld's "The Deal"
- NFL Films is cool
- Kindergarten Synergy
- Delay 2 minutes, avoid looking like a jerk
- Washington Post : Engineers Learning People Skills, Too
- Coding Horror's Elevator Test
- Mentally blocked? Try a coffee table book.
- Examining theme park throughput
- Don't send that attachment!
- 7 significant events in my career
- Avoid trouble with the generic personal commitment
- How often do you wash your towels?
- Process empowerment and team building through retrospectives
- Why I Have a Love/Hate Relationships with Engineers - Guest Article
- How do you delegate?
- Are you letting everyone contribute? The golden trash can story
- To BCC or not to BCC, that is the question
- Games remote people can play
- LinkedIn vs Resumes: Where does one stop and the other start?
- Five ways to be a good executive wingman
- Mace Windu on Perspective
- Who's in charge? Understanding group dynamics
- Inverting a solution to create another one
- Two unsuccessful people + a good connection = Elaine Benes
- Get unstuck by enlisting a moron (me)
- Tac Anderson: Dead Vikings and small commitments
- Thinking outside the box: Checkers with 5-year olds
- Breaking the ice at a meeting with LinkedIn
- Live! On Stage! Gates and Jobs!
- Kobe Bryant and keeping it behind closed doors
- Improving body language
- Invent a multi-billion dollar industry in your spare time
- Concussion grenade fishing
- There's a reason for everything: Lost's Benjamin Linus
- Alienate teammates the Brady Quinn way
- Pay attention to your happiness
- How do you optimize remote teams?
- Making a jerk of yourself with the "reply all" bug
- Being a suck up
- Beware - It's email, not a conversation
- Resumes, resumes, resumes
- Making lemonade out of lemons and hibernating mice
- The old Disneyland Matterhorn
- Certifications on resumes
- Your network of relationships
- Calendaring 101
- The evil's of slang in an international work force
- Restrictions breed creativity - Disneyland Haunted Mansion
- Eddie Murphy on advice
- The 1994 San Francisco 49ers
- Word Tactics
- Bridge burning starring Isiah Thomas
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